– Dog Tortured With Beef Jerky

30 November, 2007

What I imagine the days before the cookie judging will be like at the Casa de Jennifer and at the Adorable residence.

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10 Responses to “ – Dog Tortured With Beef Jerky”

  1. Jennifer said


    I’m going to have to tell Grizzled that he has to balance all cookie submissions on the top of my head before the judging frenzy starts!

    The days after the cookie judging will be spent on the treadmill… 🙂

  2. I tried this myself, but only made it to one piece.

  3. Snag said

    Will you be the dog or will you be the jerky?

  4. mdhatter said

    I will be the pile-er on.

  5. Lefty said

    The pilator if you would…

  6. mdhatter said

    That makes me sound like an ingrown hair or something.

  7. Lefty said

    Hm. See, I was thinking a really muscular looking guy in a blue and black outfit with a hood, and he’d cackle a lot out of his face made out an … um, pile.

  8. This is why MdH is AG’s secret boy-toy.

    It’s true, AG doesn’t let UC eat the bacon. She just piles it high above his snout.

    Lefty, when can AG expect your cookies?!!

    You and MdH have time to start baking them over this coming weekend!!!!! Tell the wifey you’ll be at his house doing stuff. She doesn’t need to know WHAT stuff.

  9. Are you boys not responding because you are baking?

    Good boys.

  10. Must be the baking and no NOT that kind of baking.

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